Renewable Parts
Renewable Parts (RP) introduces circular economy practices into the wind energy industry to improve sustainability of wind energy assets by reducing the emissions of carbon and the amount of waste sent to scrap and landfill. This is a practice that can and should be utilised across renewable energy and the
energy network to ensure green energy is truly sustainable.
About the practice:
Renewable Parts produces refurbished products for wind turbines, currently mainly yaw gears, to create a sustainable supply chain in the wind industry. The circular economy practice is a supply chain method used in place of a linear economy to produce and supply items to end-users. Its main objective is to create a more sustainable supply chain throughout industries it is used in by reducing the requirement to create new products which can sometimes be one of the main causes of emissions, and by reducing the number of items that are sent to landfill by refurbishing, reusing, or re-manufacturing.