Annual Report

The annual report summarises RGI's most important activities and main achievements of the previous year. 2015 was the first year that an annual report was published.

Putting our values into action in 2023 to support a nature- and people-positive energy transition

Many of the crises we are facing cannot be solved without an accelerated energy transition and fast and robust nature restoration. Moreover, none of these crises can be solved without the support of people. To push forward to the future we want, RGI is continuing to center our activities on supporting a people- and nature-positive energy transition. Alongside our extended ecosystem of actors, we remain dedicated to prioritising unity, solidarity, collaboration and trust as we address the climate, energy, and biodiversity crises in parallel. In this report, we show how we put these values into action in 2023.

Promoting a just, nature-positive electric grid in 2022

Defined by numerous crises worsened by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2022 revealed dependencies and scarcity at multiple levels. The ambition to respond to them in a holistic way – centred around electricity grids for renewables that support both livelihoods and biodiversity – guided our activity development and our advocacy efforts in 2022. 

Yet another challenging but inspiring year 2021

Still impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 was a year that posed existing and new challenges related to the acceleration of the energy transition and the growing urgency for nature restoration and species protection. Nonetheless, we adapted quickly to the new reality and grew constantly, addressing new topics and entering new strategic collaborations. We translated the first two Need for Grids videos into German, Italian and French,  six further Members joined the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN), we ran the 8th 'Good Practice of the Year' award, released various publications, joined new coalitions, the Electrification Alliance and REN21, welcomed the first Supporting Member, Europacable, and launched a new Irish IRD project, 'Our Energy Future'. Find out about all these and more in the 2021 edition of our Annual Report. Happy reading!


RGI throwback to a challenging yet inspiring year 2020

2020 was a year of adaptation to the challenges posed to all of us by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, we transformed our work and formats quickly and were able to ensure continuity and develop new ideas in the online world. We released the first two Need for Grids videos,  brought the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) to life with initally 18 Members signing a Memorandum of Understanding, we ran the 7th 'Good Practice of the Year' award, penned various publications and welcomed two new members, TransnetBW (all four German TSOs are now RGI Members) and France Nature Environment (FNE). Find out about all these and more in the 2020 edition of our Annual Report. Enjoy the ride!


Celebrating a decade of engagement, 2019's achievements, and looking to the future

2019 was a busy year in the energy world, and no less for RGI. In our 10th year of work, we united diverse stakeholders under our 'Marine Grid Declaration', launched the collaborative PAC Project - 'Paris Agreement Compatible Scenarios for Energy Infrastructure', ran the 6th 'Good Practice of the Year' award, penned various publications and welcomed three new members, Friends of the Earth (FotE) Ireland, NABU and TransnetBW. Find out about all these and more, and highlights from our decade of collaborative action in the ten year anniversary edition of our Annual Report. Happy reading!


Looking back at a successful 2018

2018 has been an exciting year for RGI with new opportunities and new discussions. We visited China on our 'Energy Regions in Transition' tour and started a third 'Implementing RGI Declarations' project in Italy. We also broadened our cooperation, collaborating with WindEurope for our conference 'Grids meet Renewables' and launching a new project on collaborative grid planning. Last, but certainly not least, we gained two new NGO Members: Transport & Environment and ZERO. Find out what else made this year so special in our Annual Report 2018.

RGI's highlights 2017 in a nutshell

In the 2017 Annual Report, you can read about RGI’s activities on the future electricity system, our new programme “Implementing RGI Declarations”, in which the successful European collaboration between TSOs and NGOs is transferred into more national and local projects, our ‘Good Practice of the Year’ award whose fifth round we are just about to finalise, and many more of our acitivities. Enjoy the read! 

Sharing RGI's 2016 achievements with you

In this report, you can read about RGI’s work in 2016 and our effort to bring together innovators who are redefining the way we think about grids and the opportunities connected to them. Our highlights include kicking off our work on future electricity system scenarios with high shares of renewables, successfully concluding the EU-funded INSPIRE-Grid project, establishing the ‘Good Practice of the Year’ award as a part of the Energy Infrastructure Forum, continuing our successful learning journeys to ‘Energy Regions in Transition’ and of course our European Grid Conference, at which we discussed the social dimension of grid investment.

Highlights of RGI's activities in 2015

2015 has been an important year both for the energy sector and for RGI. We strengthened ties with old friends by collaborating with ENTSO-E for our 5th European Grid Conference and 2nd Good Practice Award Ceremony; we explored new territory and gained new friends during a trip to California that we organised for a high-level delegation from Europe; we finished some of our projects, like BESTGRID, and tapped into new fields, like the digitalisation of the electricity sector.


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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