The Power of Collaboration - A short introduction to the work of RGI

What distinguishes the Renewables Grid Initiative from other organisations is that it unites Members that typically represent two seemingly opposing sides with very different goals. Within RGI, they find themselves pursuing common objectives. We have grown into a forum where trust and the power of collaboration are fundamental pillars of a joint learning process. Today, the Members of RGI regularly challenge each other to constructively understand, define and take on new roles and responsibilities to support and facilitate the transformation of the energy system.

Our flyer on the "Power of Collaboration" gives a concise overview of what constitutes RGI. It summarises the vision behind RGI and the guiding principles of our cooperation. Moreover, you can gain first insight in what we do and read our partners' views on RGI.


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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