In 2011, under the guidance of the RGI, a coalition of Europe’s 29 largest environmental NGOs and TSOs pledged to work in partnership to ensure that the goals of grid modernisation and environmental protection can be achieved side by side. The 'European Grid Declaration' (EGD) was publicly signed in Brussels. In 2012, the EGD has been extended by principles covering transparency and public participation.
Many of the best practice principles and ideas covered by both parts of the EGD are already being considered and tested by RGI Members. Throughout 2012 and 2013 , RGI has collected practical steps taken to make grid development quicker, more socially acceptable, and increasingly environmentally sound.
For a summary of all findings from our project, including challenges in grid development projects, lessons learned, and a full collection of over 100 selected practical examples, download the European Grid Report and the 2013 Update Report below. The brochure "Lessons Learned across Europe" (also ready for download below) gives a short overview of the key results.
Since 2014, we have kept our best practice collection up to date and constantly expanded it via our 'Good Practice of the Year' award.
Looking for some inspiration or a solution to a grid-related challenge, browse over 150 examples in our best practice database.