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RGI has collected more than 100 best practices among its partners. Browse through them here.
GINGR – Global Initiative for Nature, Grids and Renewables
The Comparative Analysis of Spatial Requirements of Different Decarbonisation Scenarios project focuses on investigating how the future European energy system will impact the use of space and land.
SafeLines4Birds is a collaborative project aiming to reduce the mortality of 13 bird species along power lines
The PAC Project - Paris Agreement Compatible Scenarios for Energy Infrastructure - is an RGI-led project aiming to improve European energy planning
The 'Good Practice of the Year' Award is handed out annually to innovative practices in three categories. Find out more about the election procedure, jury and past winners here.
Implementing RGI Declarations: Find out more about our programme for national NGOs and TSOs to collaborate in concrete projects
Check out our learning corner for webinars, workshops and trainings
JustWind4All is a research and innovation project that supports the acceleration of on- and offshore wind energy through just and effective governance.
Funded by BMWK, BePart aims to evaluate the form and effect of participation processes in energy projects within Germany.
Energy Regions in Transition: Find out about RGI's international learning exchange.
Within DestinE, RGI contributes to enhance climate and weather models for power system operators.
Engage4Energy focused on public engagement in the context of building renewable energy generation plants, as well as electricity transmission and distribution grids.
SENTINEL – Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory – is a Horizon 2020-funded research project, conducted by a consortium of twelve partners from nine different European countries. It aims at developing an energy system modelling framework for the energy transition.
WHY is a Horizon 2020-funded research project aiming to improve the representation of household electricity demand in Energy System Models (ESMs).
INSPIRE-Grid is an EU-funded research project focussing stakeholder participation.
The EU-funded project BESTGRID brought together NGOs and TSOs to test innovative approaches.