Shared Airspace Brochure


Shared Airspace: Protecting birds along the grid

We've all seen a row of birds perched upon a power line. Unfortunately, sometimes bird-grid interactions are not so peaceful. Indeed, without proper planning or mitigation measures, collision and electrocution with power lines can pose a real threat to some avian species. Thankfully, solutions exist. In this brochure, we present the issue of electrocution and collision of birds with the grid, as well as some solution strategies.

One such solution strategy is our 'Bird Portal' project. This is a collaborative endeavour between RGI, the German branch of BirdLife ("NABU") and 7 German grid opeators. Launched in 2017, the project seeks to improve the information basis for bird protection measures for new and existing power lines.  An online portal allows everyone to report the finding of a dead bird to NABU where an ornithologist collects and analyses the obtained information. The project is supported by all 4 transmission system operators (TSOs - 50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT and TransnetBW) as well as 3 distribution system operators (DSOs - Bayernwerk, Netze BW, Westnetz).

The brochure is currently available in English, German, French, Spanish,Italian, Polish, Arabic, Dutch, Portuguese, and Greek and will soon be published in other languages. If you have questions, or would you like to have this brochure in PDF or print form? Should we translate this brochure into another language? Contact Liam Innis.


Liam Innis
Senior Manager - Energy Ecosystems

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+49 30 2332 11015

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