The following conversations spanned a wide range of topics from global issues related to the further increase of renewables, to practical matters of building infrastructure systems that are able to deal with the different technological requirements of renewables, and the very local challenges in building needed infrastructure while respecting the necessities of local communities and nature. The need to engage and seek the exchange amongst different stakeholders in pursuit of joint solutions was re-emphasised throughout the evening. The dinner itself was a contribution to this type of engagement and saw high level participation from the European Commission, the French Energy Ministry and French Energy Regulator (CRE), the Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (APCA), the École Nationale Supérieure des paysages (ENSP), 50Hertz, RTE, Statnett, ENTSO-E, the Décider Ensemble think-tank, and NGOs such as Greenpeace, WWF and Germanwatch.