The Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) welcomes two new Members

OCEaN is delighted to welcomes two new Members: The German Federal Association of Wind Farm Operators Offshore (BWO) & Wind Energy Ireland

The Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) is a coalition of NGOs, wind industry and transmission system operators, who joined forces in late 2020 to cooperate on the sustainable deployment of offshore wind, while ensuring alignment with nature protection and healthy marine ecosystems.

In July 2021, the group welcomed two organisations as new Members: The German Federal Association of Wind Farm Operators Offshore (BWO) & Wind Energy Ireland.

Stefan Thimm, Managing Director of BWO said, “The aim of BWO joining OCEaN is to find out, together with other stakeholders, how the development of offshore wind energy can better succeed with nature conservation and healthy marine ecosystems and to share our experiences with our European partners.”

Noel Cunniffe, CEO of Wind Energy Ireland said, “Coexistence of wind energy and the natural world is of vital importance to us at Wind Energy Ireland. As Ireland begins its ambitious offshore wind journey, joining OCEaN will help us keep a strong focus on protecting our offshore ecosystems, while moving towards a fully decarbonised electricity system.”

OCEaN Members


Johanna Meier
Manager - Energy Ecosystems

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t: +49 30 7677194 52

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