Short videos raise awareness on climate-proofing the grid and energy system planning

RGI’s launches two new videos on key topics in electricity grid deployment and management as part of our informational ‘Need for Grids’ video series

As part of RGI’s efforts to improve public understanding and acceptance of electricity grids, we create two informational videos on the ‘Need for Grids’ annually. Our latest videos in the series focus on climate adaptation and resilience of grid infrastructure, and spatial planning in the energy transition. These videos are available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German.

Adaptation & Resilience: Climate-proofing the Grid

Extreme weather and temperatures caused by the climate crisis are becoming more frequent – with major impacts on the electricity system. Featuring expert interviews with Swenja Surminski from Marsh McLennan and the London School of Economics, and Olivier Feix from Elia Group, this video visualises the challenges posed by climate impacts on the grid and presents key strategies that grid operators and energy system planners can employ to keep the electrons flowing in these stormy times.

Energy & Space: Planning the Energy Transition

We need space for the electricity grids and renewables necessary for the decarbonised energy system of the future. Based on data collected by RGI and the Reiner Lemoine Institute for the 2023 Paris Agreement Compatible Scenarios for Energy Infrastructure (PAC), this video visualises the square kilometres we need for the energy transition and shares spatial planning strategies we can use to find best locations for wind turbines, solar panels, and the electricity grid.


Charlotte Mueller
Manager - Communication

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t: +49 30 2332 11026

Eston McKeague
Manager - Communication

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t: +49 157 3461 9264

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