William Todts, Executive Director of T&E, on why they joined RGI:
"Transport & Environment actively supports electromobility as the most promising future technology for more sustainable transport. Grid management is critical to EV adoption. In the absence of smart charging, unnecessary investment in grids would be required, translating into higher electricity prices, hindering EV deployment. Market incentives are required to ensure that charging is done smartly. Given the uncertainty in electric vehicles deployment, different market operators have a hard time to invest. EVs should not only be perceived as a burden on electricity grids, but also as an opportunity to enable more renewables into the grid. Large scale deployment of EVs represents an opportunity to store large amounts of renewable electricity in batteries. RGI is the right platform to deal with all of these challenges that can be solved with the right policies."
About T&E:
Transport & Environment’s mission is to promote, at EU and global level, a transport policy based on the principles of sustainable development. Transport policy should minimise harmful impacts on the environment and health, maximise efficiency of resources, including energy and land, and guarantee safety and sufficient access for all. Our work in Brussels is supported by 58 organisations (48 members and 10 supporters) working to promote smarter, cleaner transport in 26 countries across Europe. T&E members are not-for-profit national organisations with an interest in transport users and the environmental and health impacts of transport. There are also environmental protection groups with an interest in transport policy.
We welcome William and his team to RGI and look forward to the collaboration!