About France Nature Environnement:
Created in 1968 as the Fédération française des sociétés de protection de la nature (FFSPN), France Nature Environnement (FNE) was recognised of public interest in 1976. Nowadays, FNE federates more than 3,500 associations working for environment protection, in mainland France and overseas. It contributes to the improvement and respect of environmental laws in France and participates in more than 200 consultative and advisory bodies. FNE is also involved in raising environmental awareness through educational actions (reaching 2M persons each year) and sets up various projects with its partners to work concretely for the ecological transition.
The movement gathers around 900,000 volunteers involved in multiple environmental associations, acting every day all around France. France Nature Environnement gathers knowledge through this network to lead both local and national actions.
France Nature Environnement calls for an end to fossil and nuclear energies and for the development of renewable energies. At the moment, French national objectives make it necessary to develop renewables, and then to adapt the power grid: these issues brought together France Nature Environnement and Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (Rte), and are a basis of their historical partnership.