RGI Statement on Renewables Acceleration Areas

The Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the call for evidence with regard to the upcoming guidance on designating renewable acceleration areas.

RGI, with our members, responded to the European Commission's call for evidence on the renewables acceleration areas. It is acknowledged that, if well designed, the renewable acceleration areas can be valuable tools towards the swift development of variable renewable energy sources (RES) in the European Union. A balanced approach can increase predictability and certainty for new investments. However, renewables acceleration areas represent a make-or-break opportunity rather than offering a blank check. They demand careful consideration. They should also not become tools to fuel public opposition. Instead, Member States should adopt a holistic approach towards processes and solutions, encompassing technical, environmental, and societal aspects.

Moreover, alongside the process of designating the renewables acceleration areas, Member States and the European Union should identify and further tackle the root causes of delays in electricity infrastructure development within and beyond the framework of acceleration areas.

We strongly believe in identifying synergies between RES generation and electricity grids while minimising drawbacks. Simultaneously, we aim to accelerate RES development hand in hand with nature protection and restoration, as well as expedite the energy transition through enhanced public acceptance. To achieve these three goals requires the  European Union to:

  • Designate renewables acceleration areas following an optimised and forward-looking energy system planning to incorporate system-level and demand-side efficiency, including energy demand reduction, prioritising optimal use of resources and reducing spatial needs.

  • Encompass existing and future spatial planning tools and instruments in a coordinated and coherent manner, aligning with the identified protected areas for nature.

  • Provided clarity on the envisaged mitigation, nature enhancement and restoration measures, which should be tailored to the affected species and habitats. 

  • Promote engaging early, regularly, and meaningfully with relevant stakeholders, including TSOs, NGOs and the general public, to prevent societal backlash.

For a more detailed overview of RGI’s response to the call for evidence on the renewable acceleration areas please download the full statement below.

RGI Statement on Renewables Acceleration Areas


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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On leave, please contact

Alexandros Fakas Kakouris
Senior Manager - Energy and Policy Systems

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t: +49 30 2332 11021

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.