The Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) is proud to announce its support for the global call, led by the Global Renewables Alliance, to triple renewable energy capacity to at least 11,000 GW by 2030. Over 250 climate and energy organisations, including RGI, have signed an open letter urging world leaders and Parties to the Paris Agreement to agree on this target at COP28 this year.
The call for a global target is a crucial step towards decarbonising the global economy and securing a livable future for all. Renewable energy is already transforming communities around the world, powering homes, cars, and factories with clean electricity, generating millions of green jobs, and attracting public and private capital to propel economic growth. Tripling this activity represents an enormous opportunity to reduce the loss and damage for nature and people wrought by harmful climate change, and set the world on a path to sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient growth.
RGI believes that a global target is necessary to achieve renewable energy growth, and that governments, industry, investors, and civil society must work together to achieve this target. Urgent action is needed to commit to ambitious energy transition plans with concrete interim milestones to 2030 and beyond, which will allow the renewables, storage, and ancillary industries to plan for efficient supply chain development. These plans should be reflected in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and enshrined in national policy frameworks, including ambitious renewable energy targets.
RGI is committed to working side-by-side with governments, industry, investors, and civil society to collectively take actions, move faster, and scale up renewables now. We believe that tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 will bring significant benefits to the global economy, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating millions of green jobs, and improving public health.
RGI is proud to sign this open letter and looks forward to working with all stakeholders to achieve this ambitious target.