RGI launches the Annual Report 2020: Throwback to a challenging yet inspiring year

The Annual Report is published every year to inform about RGI's activities in the past year. In this edition, we look back on highlights, achievements and exciting projects from 2020 and forward to exciting opportunities for future collaboration.

2020 was a year of adaptation to the challenges posed to all of us by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, we transformed our work and formats quickly and were able to ensure continuity and develop new ideas in the online world. We released the first two Need for Grids videos,  brought the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) to life with initally 18 Members signing a Memorandum of Understanding, we ran the 7th 'Good Practice of the Year' award, penned various publications and welcomed two new members, TransnetBW (all four German TSOs are now RGI Members) and France Nature Environment (FNE).

Find out about all these and more in the 2020 edition of our Annual Report. Happy reading!

Liam Innis
Senior Manager - Energy Ecosystems

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