RGI joins the Electrification Alliance - Taking over an active role in accelerating the advancement of electrification in Europe

RGI is the newest member of the Electrification Alliance, a coalition of European stakeholders, who are calling for electricity to be recognised as the key energy carrier for an efficient and decarbonised European future.

Electrification has become an increasingly important topic within RGI’s workstreams over the past years as its development will influence future grid needs and our energy system overall.

We at RGI believe that the energy transition has to be largely, if not exclusively, fuelled by renewable energy sources. We fully understand that in the coming ten years, to meet the 2030 decarbonisation targets, a massive acceleration of RES deployment and electricity grids are fundamental. Still, they will not be sufficient to bring us there: electrification, flexibility of the system and demand patterns need to play a major role as well.

“Accelerated and renewables-based electrification is one of the main pillars that the energy transition needs to stand on. In order to unfold its full potential, including system efficiency gains, resource optimisation and decreased emissions, we need to plan and deliver a system which is efficient, affordable, sustainable and in line with climate and environmental priorities. To this end, RGI is very happy to join the Electrification Alliance and work together on accelerating the advancement of renewables-based electrification” says RGI’s CEO Antonella Battaglini.

The Electrification Alliance is dedicated to enhancing the relevant political and market conditions for electrification to flourish. They call on European policymakers to recognise that decarbonised electricity becomes a key vehicle for a sustainable European economy, to remove barriers to electrification, to roll-out the much-needed widespread electric vehicle charging infrastructure and to enable the deployment of smart and efficient heating and cooling technologies.

The other members of the Electrification Alliance are the European Association of Electrical Contractors, Avere, Eurelectric, the European Climate Foundation, the European Copper Institute, the European Heat Pump Association, smartEn, SolarPower Europe and WindEurope.


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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