Our response to the TEN-E consultation asks for it to reflect the changing European energy landscape in its revision and to enable the achievement of long-term climate goals.
Upgrading the existing energy infrastructure and building the needed grid to integrate increasing shares of renewables is a major challenge for the coming decades, as we move towards decarbonisation of the energy system.
The European Commission (EC) actively strives to promote this through the Projects of Common Interest (PCIs). These projects represent the opportunity to accelerate the European clean-energy transition. However, since the adoption of the Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (TEN-E), the energy landscape in Europe has changed substantially.
In our response, we recommend to take into consideration the following elements in the revision of the TEN-E:
· System evolution: reflecting the move towards a dual system in which decentralised structures are increasingly important;
· Energy planning: including mechanisms that support the planning and deployment of needed infrastructure to support the integration of a variety of energy sectors;
· Energy policies: ensuring coherence and coordination across the policy spectrum, as suggested in the Green Deal.
Our responses to the consultation and a detailed explanation on the above mentioned points can be downloaded through the below link. In case of any questions, please get in touch with cristina@renewables-grid.eu.