Our response to the consultation on SSI focusses on sector coupling, RES integration, decarbonisation of all sectors, flexibility options and better use of infrastructure, and for the hydrogen strategy we discuss terminology, infrastructure optimisation and collaborative planning, technological options and market regulation.
In response to the European Commission's consultation on the EU Strategy for Smart Sector Integration, RGI worked closely with our Member organisations to devise a detailed response on what lawmakers should prioritise in order to fully exploit the synergies enabled by an integrated energy system, deliver the energy transition and reach full decarbonisation as swiftly as possible. Furthermore, RGI responded to the consultation on the Roadmap for the preparation of the EU strategy for hydrogen, highlighting the aspects to be taken into account.
Whilst RGI is committed to the sustainable development of the electricity grids necessary to support and enable the integration of rapidly growing RES, we also recognise that we will need more than grids to provide the system flexibility required by a renewables-based system. Smart sector integration can be a vital asset here. Broadly defined, smart sector integration should help to deliver: decarbonisation of all sectors (transport, buildings and gas), flexibility options and a better use of infrastructure.
In addition, the Commission has decided to adopt a new dedicated strategy on hydrogen in Europe, in parallel with the strategy on energy system integration. RGI has therefore responded to this consultation for the preparation of the strategy, highlighting the most important aspects to be taken into account for the future development of hydrogen in Europe.
Our responses to both consultations and a delated explanation on the above mentioned points can be downloaded through the below links. In case of any questions, please get in touch with cristina@renewables-grid.eu.