'Request to Adapt European Energy Planning Scenarios' unites stakeholders on need for high-RES energy scenarios

Coinciding with the PAC Scenario launch, the Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) has developed a 'Request to Adapt European Energy Planning Scenarios' that has been signed by a broad group of supporters from across society, including many transmission system operators.

The 40 signatories of the Request agree that the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) should also work with scenarios that are compatible with the 1.5°C objective pursued by the Paris Agreement and be coherent with the goals of the European Green Deal and the European Council's decision to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. They also explicitly support the inclusion of a scenario with very high shares of RES and electrification.

The signatories also acknowledge the value of balanced stakeholder engagement in the development of energy scenarios as an important building block to increase public support for infrastructure needed to make the energy transition happen.

RGI’s CEO, Antonella Battaglini said: “This Request shows that sound and comprehensive energy planning is essential to understand the options and the challenges ahead of us. Only with a broad assessment of possible scenarios, can we take the right political and investment decisions. I therefore invite the European Commission and national governments to request competent bodies to also model energy infrastructure for a 1.5°C world”.

German TSO 50Hertz, one of the signatories of the Request, even committs to a fully renewable future with Stefan Kapferer, 50Hertz CEO, saying: “50Hertz is fully dedicated to integrating rapidly growing shares of renewables. In the 50Hertz area, more than 60% of the consumption is covered by variable renewables today, we will reinforce our activities to be able to cover 100% as soon as possible. We therefore support developing ambitious scenarios for the system of the future together with the stakeholders.”

To become a signatory yourself, contact Stephanie Bätjer: stephanie@renewables-grid.eu


Antina Sander
Deputy CEO

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