OCEaN – Mediterranean Sea welcomes eco-union as their newest Member

Med OCEaN is today proud to announce a new Member: eco-union. Based in Barcelona, eco-union is an independent environmental Think and Do Tank aiming to promote environmental integrity while ensuring social inclusion and economic development.

The Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature – Mediterranean Sea (Med OCEaN) is today proud to announce a new Member: eco-union. Based in Barcelona, eco-union is an independent environmental Think and Do Tank aiming to promote environmental integrity while ensuring social inclusion and economic development through better policies and practices supported by science, evidence, and multi-stakeholder collaboration.

Operating mainly in Europe and the Mediterranean region, eco-union aims to foster a new environmental culture in people and organizations, through research, training and cooperation. It proposes to generate change agents among companies, institutions, administrations, opinion leaders, managers, professionals and citizens in general to catalyze the transition towards sustainability.

Jeremie Fosse, Co-founder and President, eco-union, on joining Med OCEaN:

“Our beloved Mediterranean region is suffering dramatically from the impacts of climate change. We have to accelerate the decarbonisation of our economy by investing massively - and responsibly - in renewable energy. Med OCEaN is a unique opportunity to ensure that the deployment of offshore wind energy brings co-benefits for the climate, biodiversity, and local communities all together.”


With ongoing work on topics including energy and climate change; green and blue economies; governance and policies; and tourism, cities and mobilities, Med OCEaN welcomes the expertise eco-union will bring to the Coalition and looks forward to collaborating on the nature-friendly expansion of offshore wind and grids in the Mediterranean region.

Launched in 2023, Med OCEaN brings together NGOs, wind industry, and transmission system operators (TSOs) from across the Mediterranean basin and adjacent Atlantic waters. The Coalition aims to cooperate on the sustainable deployment of offshore wind and grid, while safeguarding nature and healthy marine ecosystems in the region.



Manon Quetstroey
Manager - Energy and Nature

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t: +49 30 2332 11034

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