Need for Grids videos released: 'Grids and the Environment' and 'Electrification and Flexibility'

RGI is happy to launch two videos in a 'Need for Grids' series on 'Grids and the Environment' and 'Electrification and Flexibility'. Each video provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the main aspects of a particular grid-related topic and we hope that these will serve as useful educational tools for TSOs and NGOs when engaging with the public.

Within the energy transition ecosystem-of-actors, diverse stakeholders must familiarise themselves with a range of complex and specialist topics, for example the techincal, legal social and environmental aspects of grid development; new technologies; consultation processes;  energy policy at national, regional and EU level and many more. Video material can offer a source of information which is widely-accessible to specialist and non-specialist audiences alike.

With this in mind, RGI produced these first two videos on 'Grids and the Environment' and 'Electrification and Flexibility'. We hope that these brief, accessible and visually stimulating videos will serve as useful communication materials for RGI Members and other stakeholders active or interested in the energy system. If you wish to use them for communication or education purposes or share them on your social channels, please do not hestitate to do so. Should you have any questions, please get in touch.

Grids and the Environment

A renewables-based system requires more renewable energy infrastructure and a European grid network in order to transport electricity generated by renewable sources from production to consumption centres.
Where is this infrastructure built and what effects does this have on biodiversity, particularly birds? What solutions and opportunities are available? Which approaches have been taken by European TSOs? Find the answers to all of these questions and more in this video, 'Grids and the Environment'.

Electrification and Flexibility

Electrification and flexibility are two terms which often come up in discussions about the energy transition. But what do these terms mean? In this video, we delve into what it means to 'electrify' sectors which have previously been reliant on fossil fuels, such as transport, and the system flexibility which these transformations enable. How can we balance supply and demand in a system based on variable renewable sources? What is demand response? What is the role of the grid? And what additional role do electric vehicles play? Find the answers to these questions and more in this video, 'Electrification and Flexibility'.


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.