Launched today: A survey for European grid operators and regulators that contributes to implementing the EU’s Pact for Engagement

RGI, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Commission are launching a survey to collect information on legal and regulatory frameworks related to stakeholder engagement in the EU.

In order to support an effective energy transition, the EU Pact for Engagement stresses, among others, the need for enhancing adequate regulatory support for early, regular and meaningful stakeholder engagement activities in electricity grid projects. 

For that purpose, RGI, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Commission are launching a survey to collect insight from experts and practitioners.

The survey aims to better understand the existing practices as well as opportunities and challenges related to the current regulatory and legal frameworks of stakeholder engagement in electricity infrastructure projects across Europe, and their enabling conditions.

We welcome contributions from grid operators across Europe (TSOs and DSOs) as well as National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), to add their voice and share their knowledge on regulatory and legal frameworks related to engagement practices in electricity grid projects by 23 February:



The survey results are aimed to be presented for further discussions at the 11th Energy Infrastructure Forum in June 2025. More insights on the co-development process of the survey and its analysis will also be shared at the Pact for Engagement Stakeholder Meetings facilitated by the European Commission. 



Dr. Andrzej Ceglarz
Director - Energy Systems

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t: +49 30 233211014

Dr. Ira Shefer
Manager - Energy Systems

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t: +49 30 2332 11000

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.