This week, a delegation of top-level European grid operators and energy leaders will visit California to learn about innovative practices and exchange experiences from both sides of the Atlantic. The Renewables 100 Policy Institute and Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) are organizing the tour to set up a platform for long-term collaboration on best practices aimed at improving reliability, increasing economic benefits, and limiting environmental impacts during the energy transition.
The October 2015 tour will focus on the following topical areas:
- Innovation & new technologies (DR, storage, ICT, cyber security)
- Regulatory frameworks to facilitate the transition to a carbon free energy future
- Regional & cross-sector collaboration
- Evolving business models & ownership structures
The tour will include visits to the Tesla factory and Stanford University, as well as discussions with Silicon Valley technology companies, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). The CAISO Stakeholder Symposium on October 22-23 will top off the week, bringing together 600 attendees, including energy executives, policymakers and the CAISO Board of Governors. Ten European delegates will be speaking on two panels moderated by RGI CEO Antonella Battaglini and BNEF Founder Michael Liebreich on October 23 from 9:50-11:30 AM.