Our "Energy Regions in Transition" report is online - read all about our learning journey to California

RGI has published a report about its first activity under the banner of "Energy Regions in Transition" - a learning journey to California. Between October 19 and 23, a group 16 European energy experts travelled to California to learn about innovative practices and exchange experiences with their Californian counterparts.


“I arrived well aware of the issues that I have to cope with in Italy, with […] more concerns than solutions; but I left with a positive sentiment, […] our goal from now on will not just be to fix something, but more interestingly, to seize new opportunities”, Luigi Michi, Terna's Head of Strategy and Development, summarises the week, confirming that the week in California was as fruitful as we had hoped it would be.

Read all about the other delegates' conclusions and about the outcomes of our discussions at Stanford, Tesla, the California Independent System Operator's Annual Symposium and many more in our summary report of the week.

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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