Example | Organizations | Countries |
Natural High-Tech: The Great Scallop as an Environmental Sensor | RTE & TBM Environment | France |
Radar monitoring on the Strait of Messina | Terna | Italy |
Protocolo Avifauna - Bird protection on distribution lines | SPEA, E-REDES, Quercus, LPN, INCF | Portugal |
Recovery of Posidonia Oceanica seagrass meadows | Red Eléctrica de España | Spain |
rePLANT - Management of Forest Fires | Rede Electrica Nacional (REN), University of Coimbra, whereness | Portugal |
Integrated Vegetation Management with a team of Biologists | VSD | Slovakia |
Wild Bees Under Tension | Swissgrid | Switzerland |
Tennet's Inspiration Guide | TenneT | The Netherlands, Germany |
Schafe Unter Strom | 50Hertz, Technische Universität Dresden, Mitnetz Strom, Landschaftspflegeverband Westsachsen e.V. | Germany |
PAS System for Bird-Friendly Grid | EVN | Bulgaria |