Example | Organizations | Countries |
DS3 System Services | EirGrid | Ireland |
Wild Bees Under Tension | Swissgrid | Switzerland |
Schafe Unter Strom | 50Hertz, Technische Universität Dresden, Mitnetz Strom, Landschaftspflegeverband Westsachsen e.V. | Germany |
Pulse Heating | ESCSH | Denmark |
MeRegio - Minimum Emission Region | EnBW | Germany |
CHP Accumulator System | Fernwärme Ulm | Germany |
Wintrack pylon | TenneT | The Netherlands |
Building a resilient ecological network of conserved areas across Europe | NaturaConnect | European Union and the UK |
Naturaleza en RED - Vegetation Management under transmission lines | Red Eléctrica de España, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | Spain |
Nature-Inclusive Design Pilots | EirGrid | Ireland |