Example | Organizations | Countries |
Joint field trips to show NGOs and authorities their environmental work | 50Hertz | Germany |
Collaborative sustainability memorandum between Terna and NGOs | Terna, Legambiente, WWF, Greenpeace | Italy |
Multi-Criteria Analysis | National Grid | UK |
Nesting boxes for endangered birds in Austria | APG, BirdLife, WWF | Austria |
Building a resilient ecological network of conserved areas across Europe | NaturaConnect | European Union and the UK |
Naturaleza en RED - Vegetation Management under transmission lines | Red Eléctrica de España, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | Spain |
Nature-Inclusive Design Pilots | EirGrid | Ireland |
Mainstreaming soaring birds' conservation in energy sector in Jordan | BirdLife, Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) | |
Replacement of SF6 by alternatives in 420 kV gas insulated switchgear | TransnetBW | Germany |
Ecological line maintenance in a nature reserve | NABU, BUND | Germany |