Example | Organizations | Countries |
Birds and electricity transmission lines: mapping of flight paths | Red Eléctrica de España | Spain |
Man-made nest programme | Mavir | Hungary |
New power grids and nature conservation | NABU | Germany |
Stork Platform Campaign | EVN | Bulgaria |
Green Corridors - Restoration of wildlife corridors under overhead lines in Belgium and France | LIFE Elia-RTE, Elia, RTE, Ecofirst | Belgium, France |
Wildlife Protection Along the LitPol Link Route | LitGrid | Lithuania |
T-Pylon | National Grid | UK |
Autonomous IoT device to repel birds from power lines | Iberdrola, Energiot | Spain |
Green Corridors - Lake creation in Siebendörfer Moor Landscape Protection Area | 50Hertz | Germany |
Wintrack pylon | TenneT | The Netherlands |