Tennet has released an Inspiration Guide, describing 56 different methods of conserving nature around its powerlines. In all these projects, nature-inclusive working is a key principle by respecting, protecting and, where possible, stimulating nature. This initiative has been realized based on the opinions expressed by residents to ensure renewable energy infrastructure doesn’t cause more damage to biodiversity. The Inspiration Guide works as a guide for project workers, authorities, contractors, local stakeholders, and others to ensure nature inclusive operation.
The inspiration guide is a follow-up to the Landscape Guide released in 2022, with innovative designs for a qualitative spatial landscape integration of the high voltage grid.
- 56 projects ranging from creation of pools, insect sanctuaries or hotels, mowing regimes such as sinus management and many more.
- Describes ready-to-use services and products that can be used immediately to promote biodiversity.
- Their mission is to reduce their net impact on nature and the environment to zero.