National Grid Viking Link Limited & Energinet.dk
National Grid Viking Link Limited and Energinet.dk are developing a cross-border interconnector (Viking Link) between UK and Denmark. It is one of the most multi-jurisdictional infrastructure projects in Europe to fully apply the “one stop shop”, a permitting and participation approach introduced in the European Commission's TEN-E regulation.
While the permitting “one stop shop” of the Viking Link spans across four countries in Northern Europe over 5 years (2014-2018), the regulation applies to any grid infrastructure PCI in Europe.
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The European Commission’s TEN-E Regulation aims to streamline the permitting process for PCIs. Each country has to identify a National Competent Authority (NCA) that is responsible for ensuring that the regulation’s requirements are fulfilled.
Viking Link coordinated a permitting schedule involving 4 NCAs and 4 UK / 2 Danish local authorities with a strong focus on understanding the TEN-E regulation’s requirements and how each of the 4 NCAs interprets its implications within their permitting processes. Through multiple NCA meetings a shared understanding of approaches to environmental assessments and permitting programmes in each jurisdiction was achieved.
Viking Link provides a unique opportunity to offer insights and best practices for the benefit of other developers and for consideration in the TEN-E regulation 2017 evaluation by the EC. Such lessons learned include:
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