Collaborative sustainability memorandum between Terna and NGOs




Terna, Legambiente, WWF, Greenpeace


In 2009, WWF Italy and Terna signed a three-year cooperation agreement focused on a more sustainable development of the Italian grid.



  • Terna and WWF Italy work together for a more sustainable development of the grid
  • Common projects within 3 of WWF's protected areas (e.g. anti-collision spirals, nesting boxes on pylons)
  • Exhibitions and public information about the projects


Main information:

A working group was established for a continuous dialogue on:

  1. Integration of environmental criteria in the Electricity Grid’s Development Plan (guidelines)
  2. Action plan to mitigate impacts in WWF protected areas and priority areas (national parks)

WWF Italy and Terna have been working together on projects within three of WWF’s protected areas. Projects cover various topics, e.g. the installation of mitigation measures to reduce the impact on birdlife by putting up anti-collision spirals on power-lines and by placing nesting boxes on pylons. The joint project also includes the environmental education and promotion of these measures taken. Terna and WWF produced information materials on the projects and informed the public by a travelling exhibition.

Terna regularly sends updates on a shared list of grid expansion projects to the national offices of WWF Italy. This office then forwards the information to their local member organisations. Resulting questions from WWF local bodies or requests to talk to Terna are addressed and organised via the national offices.


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