Integrated Vegetation Management with a team of Biologists






Slovakian DSO VSD collaborates with a central team of biologists to maintain vegetation in their high voltage and medium voltage corridors. The team consistently maps corridors to examine their compatibility for IVM implementation and suggests strategies to protect biodiversity in these areas. The team routinely collaborates with landowners and other external stakeholders to prepare and execute strategies for the preservation of biodiversity.


  • Collection and evaluation of data on biotopes at individual locations
  • Changing corridor profile to V-shape, and planting fruit trees as replacement for tall invasive trees through alternative mowing regimes and selective clearing. 
  • Revitalization of small ponds in the area.
  • Implementation in collaboration with local landowners to create more economic opportunities, for instance, by planting more Christmas trees near grid stations.

About the Project

VSD’s integrated vegetation management started in 2018 under the LIFE Programme.  Based on the results, they aim to expand IVM methods to all corridors where the management is possible. VSD, as part of the E.ON group has joined the UNEP commitment to ecologically manage vegetation around power lines. They have committed to maintain 680 ha of HV power lines corridors through IVM by 2029.

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.