The EU is pursuing a Vision of an Energy Union which is centered in citizens taking responsibility for the energy transition. In the Renewable Energy Directive, the EU defined, as part of the Clean Energy Package, rights to enable citizens to do this. A core element is sharing the jointly produced energy, or Energy Sharing. In Germany, this right is not yet implemented.
To push the debate for the implementation of Energy Sharing, Germanwatch organised a workshop in collaboration with the Citizens' Energy Alliance (BBEn - Bündnis Bürgerenergie) and Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND e.V.)
Participants brought different perspectives and debated which conditions would Energy Sharing create for the grid. Specifically, the following questions were discussed:
- How can energy sharing be defined? Which geographic layout and which voltage levels are taken into consideration?
- Which financial incentives would be needed for the implementation of energy sharing?
- Which services for the grid would be possible with energy sharing?
- What are the requirements for the digital infrastructure?
25 relevant actors from different stakeholders groups discussed this issue, including DSOs (Distribution System Operators), TSOs (Transmission System Operators), renewable energy associations, citizens' energy organizations, energy providers, and environmental associations.
The exchange between different parties involved in the implementation of energy sharing was proven to be very valuable. A comprehensive document of outcomes including an input summary can be downloaded below.
Nevertheless, the key findings of the workshop were:
- Smart Measuring System (iMSys): Smart meters and a functional data communication between measuring stations and grid operators are critical for energy sharing. Until a comprehensive Smart Meter Rollout is possible, transitional solutions will be needed.
- Financial incentives for energy sharing: An premium payment instead of reduced grid fees would be preferred.
- Experiences in Austria should be considered: in Austria, there are multiple models that make Energy Sharing a complex concept with different responsibilities. A more approachable concept with clear distribution of roles would be important. A coordination body for energy sharing would also be useful.
- Definition background for energy sharing: to achieve a model for energy sharing that is simple to conceptualise and communicate, a definition based on the regional layout (i.e. 50-km radius) is preferred by many participants instead of a voltage level definition. However, the debate on this matter is not yet finished and will require further clarifications.
- Grid repercussions due to energy sharing: for the assessment of the consequences on the grid (relief/overload) due to energy sharing, a (larger) database will be necessary. Therefore, grid relief and flexibility, as well as energy sharing should be pursued separately from each other.
If you are interested in the results of the workshop, please contact Kirsten Kleis at
This page is a translation of a Germanwatch workshop summary in German, which can be found here.