
Webinar: Getting them all on board – Applying public engagement research to the Dutch context

Are you working on a project for energy infrastructure or a new energy technology? Do you want to involve the audience better and thus increase the success of your project? In this webinar, you will learn more about recommendations from the research developed by RGI and the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) within the User-Centred Energy Systems (UsersTCP) - part of the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme.

As we transition to a renewables-based energy system, opposition has become a bottleneck towards building the needed infrastructure for the future. Therefore, ensuring support for energy infrastructures is key during this process. But, how do we better involve the public in your energy infrastructure project and ensure a fair process?

With this problem in mind, RGI and IEECP researched how public engagement can leverage different voices during the development of energy infrastructure in a fair way. As a result, a guideline for developers, policymakers and civil society was created to support decisions within the context of grid, wind and solar energy infrastructure build-up.

The Dutch context

Requested by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), an executive body of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the webinar looked into the Netherlands' context and focused on the main points of attention for policy officers, project developers and residents. 

Throughout the agenda, RGI's Ira Shefer and Nathália Pimentel presented the guideline and its recommendations on how to develop a meaningful public engagement process. Lastly, the event showcased good practices from other countries, while also allowing participants to participate and ask questions.

The webinar was held in English, watch now the recording below!

Webinar materials

Watch the recording


Check the presentation

Ira Shefer and Nathália Pimentel, RGI

Related materials


10:00 | Opening and welcome speech

10:10 | Engage4Energy Principles and Engagement Tools

10:25 | Inspiring practical examples

10:35 | Interactive session: How to ensure local involvement in the Netherlands?

11:05 | Important insights and concluding comments

11:15 | Wrap-up


Dr. Ira Shefer
Manager - Energy Systems

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t: +49 30 2332 11000

Nathália Pimentel
Manager - Communication

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t: +49 30 2332 11035

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