10-11:30 am

Webinar: Best Practices in grid development - Deep dives into RTE's approaches to compensation and osprey protection

The build up of new grid lines very often sparks public protests. The Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) has been invested in collecting and promoting various approaches that target a more socially and environmentally friendly grid development via its ‘Good Practice of the Year’ award for many years now.

So, what has the award collection taught us? How can we practically increase the acceptability of power lines? One approach can be to offset the negative impacts that lines can have and either respond to that impact directly or create new or additional value to those impacted by the line. The French transmission system operator RTE has tested both these courses of action successfully in the form of an extensive campaign to protect ospreys and a crowd funding approach that closely involved citizens in the decision of how a grid project should be compensated for.

In this Best Practice webinar, that RGI will host together with ENTSO-E, we will present both approaches to you and give you a chance to pick the brains of the people behind them. We hope it will help you in finding out whether these or similar approaches could also be helpful for grid development in your area.

Watch a video of the webinar below.



10:00 Welcome by RGI and ENTSO-E
Introduction and overview of relevant current challenges in public acceptance and environmental protection related to power lines

10:15 Best Practice No. 1: 
"Empowerment of citizens via crowd funding“ Closely involving citizens in compensation decisions via a crowd funding initiative

10:35 Q&A: opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the first practice presented

10:55 Best Practice No. 2:
"One Flew over the Osprey’s Nest“ |
Producing live videos of ospreys nesting on top of RTE pylons to conduct ornithological studies and develop a comprehensive osprey protection plan.

10:35 Q&A: opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the second practice presented

Event partners

This event is kindly hosted by ENTSO-E


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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