
Video online - Webinar: How can funding programmes support grid operators in the energy transition? - Diving into EirGrid's best practices in grid development

Autumn has arrived and with it RGI’s best practice sharing season is starting again: We have teamed up with ENTSO-E to bring you a webinar that highlights the benefits and pitfalls of funding programmes established to aid the smooth implementation of grid projects needed for the energy transition.

EirGrid presents their ‘Community Fund’ and ‘DS3 System Services’ approaches, both of which have sustainable funding programmes at their core that are aimed at sensibly speeding up essential grid projects. The first distributes project funds to communities affected by the siting of overhead power lines, the latter offers financial incentives for conventional and renewable generation to provide flexible services to the system helping EirGrid to securely operate the grid while achieving Ireland’s renewable targets.

We also hear from public acceptance expert Prof. Patrick Devine-Wright, who has evaluated the ‘Community Fund’ programme and come up with suggestions on how to further improve it.

Want to find out more about these best practices to determine whether similar approaches make sense for your organisation?

Watch the video below.



3:00 Welcome by RGI and ENTSO-E

3:10 Best Practice No. 1: 
'EirGrid's 'Community Fund'| Valerie Hedin (EirGrid) and Prof. Patrick Devine-Wright (University of Exeter) on the programme, the evaluation process and the future of the approach

3:30 Q&A: opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the first practice presented

3:50 Best Practice No. 2:
'DS3 System Services' |
Robin McCormick (EirGrid) on the programme, lessons learned and future plans

4:10 Q&A: opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the second practice presented

Event partners

This event is kindly hosted by


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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