
Successful Dinner Discussion at COP24: Collaborative Grid Planning with ENTSO-E and ENTSOG

At this year’s COP in Katowice RGI joined the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and Gas (ENTSOG) to present our joint project on collaborative grid planning. The project brings together the ENTSOs as the developers of the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and environmental NGOs to maximise NGO input into the TYNDP scenarios. The ENTSOs and RGI were joined by the European environmental umbrella NGOs Climate Action Network (CAN Europe) and European Environmental Bureau (EEB) as well as the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).

Electricity and gas networks play a major role in enabling and sustaining the transformation of the energy system. The planning of the grid infrastructure needs to reflect the decarbonisation requirements to ensure that the Paris Agreement will be implemented. RGI, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG, being mandated to the delivery of the Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDP) have developed a collaborative process together with stakeholders. The project aims at developing a Paris Agreement-compliant scenario and thus provides input to the European Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDP).  ENTSO-E, ENTSOG and RGI presented their collaborative approach and discussed different views and storylines that can deliver an energy infrastructure that is fit for the future.

The project at a glance


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Event partners

The dinner was organised in collaboration with


Johanna Meier
Manager - Energy Ecosystems

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t: +49 30 7677194 52

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.