
RGI-PIK-Mercator Workshop: Are our market designs and policies fit to reach the Paris Agreement? Perspectives from California, Germany and Europe

The European Union has recently agreed on the clean energy for all package meant to put Europe on track to reach decarbonisation targets. Germany is one of the leading forces behind it, and more broadly tries to get on track to achieve its climate goals. On the other side of the Atlantic, California has broken record after record in renewable growth and carbon cuts.

The workshop presented the new AHEAD report identifying important differences and similarities among the two frontrunners with a focus on the power sector, and reflected about the European context. Participants discussed if the market designs and policies in California, Germany, and Europe overall, are sufficient to reach the decarbonisation levels required by the Paris Agreement. We investigated what can we learn from each other and explore potential joint activities.


13:00 -



14:00 -


Welcome and introduction

14:15 -


Key notes:
Ottmar Edenhofer (Director PIK) and George Frampton
(Fellow of the American Academy, Co-Founder Partnership for Responsible Growth)

Followed by Q&A session

15:15 -


Presentation of the main findings of the AHEAD comparison report

Californian perspective: Jim Bushnell (UC Davis)

German perspective: Michael Pahle (PIK)

Discussant for EU perspective: Mike Hogan (RAP)

16:00 -



16:45 -


(Panel) Discussion: What are potential joint activities to reduce pitfalls along the road to Paris? How can we increase knowledge and experience to deal with the challenges ahead?

Speakers: Stacey Crowley (CAISO), Laurent Schmitt (ENTSO-E), Christoph Neumann (TenneT), Falk Bömeke (BMWI), Stephanie Ropenus (Agora Energiewende), Julia Metz (BDEW)

Moderated by Antonella Battaglini (RGI)


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In collaboration with the Stiftung Mercator Foundation in the context of the AHEAD project.

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Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.