
RGI mini-workshop to share best practices: "Permitting, consultation and environmental protection for offshore transmission grids"

Marine renewables are expected to represent a significant share of Europe’s future renewable energy deployment. Guided by European regulation and the ambition to develop the European Internal Energy Market, grid developers are also increasing the number of submarine interconnectors. Together with experts, we want to discuss what we already do well and what we need to improve with regard to nature protection and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment.

Over the last years, RGI has been active in sharing knowledge and experiences in this field in order to make sure that offshore grids will be deployed in an environmentally safe way – while ensuring all stakeholders have proper opportunities for input (more info here).

Together with RTE, we would like to continue the identification and sharing of good practices for developing offshore grids and therefore invite you to our mini-workshop “Best practice approaches to permitting, coordination and environmental protection for marine transmission grids” in Dunkirk on 22 January. Besides input presentations from project developers and NGOs, we will facilitate discussions on what we have learned from case studies in the last couple of years and where we still have knowledge gaps that need to be closed.


08:30 - Welcome coffee

09:00 - Welcome by RTE and AGUR: European offshore grid plans

09:20 - Example 1: Best practices from Elia’s Modular Offshore Grid "Permitting challenges & environmental concerns" | Download presentation

09:55 - Example 2: Best practices from TenneT's offshore projects "Stakeholder consultation and nature-inclusive design of the Dutch offshore grid" | Download presentation

10:30 - Coffee Break

10:45 - Environmental model project – FNE | Download presentation

11:20 - Example 3: Best practices from RTE and National Grid’s IFA2 project "Best practices of submarines studies from RTE" | Download presentation

11:55 - Example 4: Best practices from 50Hertz' Comined Grid Solution "Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution - Best practices" | Download presentation

12:30 - Lunch break  

14:00 - World café round tables around 3 themes

  • the multi-use of offshore substations
  • protection of marine mammals
  • Good practices in consultation

15:45 - Sharing outcomes of the round table discussions

16:15 - Closing remarks by RTE and RGI


Key takeaways

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Event partners

The workshop is organised in collaboration with


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.