
RGI / Fridays for Future Webinar (in German) - 100% Erneuerbare Energien, wie geht das? Technische und politische Perspektiven zur Energiewende

The Renewables Grid Initiative and Fridays for Future Germany are happy to offer an open-source webinar session in German by the title - "100% erneuerbare Energien - wie geht das? Technische und politische Perspektive zur Energiewende".

The webinar was moderated by Fridays for Future and featured input by colleagues from two RGI Members - Niels Ehlers, Head of Concept and System Strategy (50Hertz) and Kai Bergmann, Advisor - German Low-Carbon Policy (Germanwatch). They respectively discussed the technical and political viability of a 100% renewables-based energy system in Germany.

 The session was live-streamed on YouTube and is available below for later viewing. The webinar was interactive, with a Q&A function enabled and no registration necessary to join.

It sought to answer three main questions:

1) Wie ist der aktuelle Stand der Erneuerbaren Ausbau in Deutschland?
What is the current status of the development of renewables in Germany?

2) Was sind die Alternativen zum in Bau befindlichen Kohlekraftwerk, Datteln IV?
What are the alternatives to the 'Datteln IV' coal-fired power station currently under construction?

3) Was sind die technischen und politischen Möglichkeiten, die es jetzt zu nutzen gilt, damit wir das Stromnetz so gestalten und steuern können, damit wir den EE-Anteil weiter erhöhen können?
What are the technical and political possibilities which should now be realised in order to manage an electricity grid with an ever-increasing share of renewables?

The webinar took take place on Thursday 2 April at 17:00 and ran for an hour. For questions, please contact Liam Innis, liam@renewables-grid.eu.

Webinar link


Liam Innis
Senior Manager - Energy Ecosystems

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+49 30 2332 11015

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