The “Guidelines for Trans-European Energy Infrastructure”, that came into force in May this year, are a great opportunity for further improved transparency and participation in the electricity grid planning processes. Successful implementation of the new legislation will require all actors to: fully understand the PCI processes and their interactions; develop their own role and relationships with other stakeholders; and engage in and contribute to these processes in the best possible way.
The adoption of the first list of PCIs by the European Commission creates a momentum for stronger cross-sector collaboration and for a shared interpretation of what the European “common interest” in the Guidelines means for TSOs, stakeholders, customers and citizens. We seized this opportunity to discuss different aspects of the legislation and its implementation with concrete examples.
09:15 Registration and coffee
10:00 Welcome
Antonella Battaglini | RGI
10:15 Setting the scene
• Catharina Sikow-Magny | European Commission, DG Energy
• Geoffrey Feasey | ENTSO-E
• Jan Vande Putte | Greenpeace
11:00 The TEN-E Regulation – walk through of the PCI process
Kitti Nyitrai | European Commission, DG Energy | Presentation
12:00 What is important for the successful implementation of the TEN-E regulation on the ground?
• Alberto Granda | Red Eléctrica de España | Presentation
• Ivan Scrase, | RSPB
• Riccardo Vailati | ACER | Presentation
• Antina Sander | RGI
13:30 Network Lunch
14:30 How to best implement the TEN-E legislation?
Three discussion groups:
i. Consultation
ii. The permitting procedure for projects on the ground
iii. Performance monitoring the implementation of the legislation
16:00 Presentation of discussion group results to the panel, which consists of:
• Geoffrey Feasey | ENTSO-E
• Aleš Kregar | ELES
• Daniel Fraile | CAN Europe
• David Pratt | Marine Scotland
17:00 End of workshop