Launch of the Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) Scenario for Energy Infrastructure

For the first time, a broad community of European NGOs has agreed on a common energy scenario. Under the umbrella of the PAC project – “Paris Agreement Compatible Scenarios for Energy Infrastructure”– the Climate Action Network Europe and the European Environmental Bureau have developed an energy scenario for Europe which is guided by three goals:

•    100% renewables in Europe by 2040 in all sectors
•    A 65% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
•    Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040

On 30 June, we discussed the scenario, how its genesis makes it different from existing scenarios largely based on renewables and what its political implications are in a two-hour interactive virtual event.

On this occasion, a broad coalition furthermore signed the ‘Request to Adapt European Energy Planning Scenarios’ that calls for the inclusion of a scenario into the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) process that includes a very high renewable energy share. If you are interested to find out more about the request and potentially sign it, please get in touch with RGI’s deputy CEO Antina Sander (

To find out more about PAC, please visit the project website.




Signing of the ‘Request to Adapt European Energy Planning Scenarios’

  • Introduction | Antonella BattagliniCEO, Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI)
  • Keynote Impulse No. 1 | Laszlo Varro, Chief Economist, IEA
  • Keynote Impulse No. 2 | Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy, Luxembourg
  • Virtual Signing Ceremony



Presentation of the ‘PAC Scenario’

  • Introduction | Wendel Trio (Director, CAN Europe) & Patrick ten Brink (Director of EU Policy, European Environmental Bureau - EEB)
  • Scenario presentation | Jonathan Bonadio (Policy Officer on Renewables, Climate and Grids, EEB) & Jörg Mühlenhoff (Energy Scenarios Policy Coordinator, CAN Europe)
  • Q&A


Virtual panel 'What is needed for a carbon neutral grid?'
Our experts comment on the PAC Scenario and discuss it's political implications.


  • Joachim Balke, Head of Unit, DG Energy
  • Rana Adib, Executive Director, REN21
  • Mark Foley, CEO, EirGrid
  • Laszlo Varro, Chief Economist, IEA


  • Patrick Ten Brink, Director of EU Policy, EEB
  • Wendel Trio, Director, CAN Europe


Policy recommendations & wrap up

  • Policy recommendations | CAN Europe & EEB
  • Wrap up | RGI

The event was moderated by Antina Sander, Deputy CEO, RGI.

Event materials

Find out everything about the PAC Scenario

Scenario presentation slides

Event video


Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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