Brussels, Belgium

Immersive Power: Extended Reality for Energy Infrastructure - An Experience Fair and Conference

RGI and TransnetBW co-hosted the Immersive Power Conference & Fair on 29 October in Brussels to explore the exciting world of extended reality and dive into applications for energy infrastructure projects.

Developers of large-scale projects are constantly faced with the challenge of building and communicating on technically and spatially very complex structures. Transformer stations, power lines, wind parks, motorways, or railway lines are infrastructure projects that – in most cases – only exist in technical plans before they are implemented. For a long time, it has been almost impossible to perfectly visualise their actual appearance up front.

But this is changing rapidly, and together with German transmission system operator (TSO) TransnetBW, the Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) is exploring this new, extended world. On 29 October we co-hosted the Immersive Power Conference & Experience Fair on Extended Reality for Energy Infrastructure in Brussels. 

The event featured a conference programme which addressed the current status of extended reality applications, including within engagement activities. Moreover, different organisations showcased their devices and approaches to extended reality during our experience fair. 

Stay tuned for further opportunities to discuss how XR can support energy infrastructure projects!




Catch the highlights from our Immersive Power Conference & Experience Fair in our after-movie:




View all the photos from our workshop in our Flickr gallery here


Impulse Presentation | Panel 1

Christoph Runde, CEO | Virtual Dimension Center (VDC)


Impulse Presentation | Panel 2

Nils Weber, Head of Global Sales & Business Development | Primtech


Impulse Presentation | Panel 3

Günter Wenzel, Team Leader eXtended Environments | Fraunhofer IAO


Video demonstration | Panel 3


Video created in the EU funded project Destination Earth by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

Video demonstration | Panel 3


Video created in the EU funded project Destination Earth by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.


10:00 | Check-in and Welcome Coffee

10:45 | Welcome: XR and Why It Matters for Energy Infrastructure

11:00 | Panel Discussion: XR & Engagement - Boosting Understanding and Acceptance

Morjana Moreira dos Anjos

Manager - Socio-Energy Systems
Renewables Grid Initiative

Christoph Runde

Virtual Dimension Center (VDC)

Thomas Wagner

Stakeholder Manager

Günter Wenzel

Team Leader eXtended Environments
Fraunhofer IAO

Sharon Darcy

The Linear Infrastructure Planning Panel (LIPP)

12:00 | 2-Minute-Pitches from Exhibitors

10+ organisations will showcase their XR approaches and tools for better communication and development of energy infrastructure at our Experience Fair. In this session, you will hear short summaries of what they present and why you should visit their stand.

12:15 | Lunch & Experience Fair Time

13:30 | Panel Discussion: Making the Business Case - Standardising XR Implementation

Louisa Oeltjenbruns

Project Spokeswoman

Nils Weber

Head of global Sales & Business Development

Oliver Woye

Managing Director
die wegmeister

Ben Mahy

Founder and Managing Director

Christoph Runde

Chairman of Standardization Committee „eXtended Reality und Metaverse
German Institute for Standardisation (DIN)

14:45 | 2-Minute-Pitches from Exhibitors

10+ organisations will showcase their XR approaches and tools for better communication and development of energy infrastructure at our Experience Fair. In this session, you will hear short summaries of what they present and why you should visit their stand.

15:00 | Coffee & Experience Fair Time

16:00 | Panel Discussion: The Future of XR - What's Next?

Andrzej Ceglarz

Director - Energy Systems
Renewables Grid Initiative

Brad Johnson

Director - Electric Utilities Solutions
Bentley Systems

Sarah Maier

Expert - Energy Markets

Günter Wenzel

Team Leader eXtended Environments
Fraunhofer IAO

Andreas Mueller

Expert – Weather & Climate, Visualisations
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

17:00 | Wrap-up & Outlook

17:15 | Networking Cocktails





VR practises of substations


Umspannwerk Pulverdingen XR




eXtended Environments


Innovision VR Experience


XR & Metaverse Global Standards Registry


Virtual presentation of projects




Network for XR


Gleichstrom-Umspannwerk Philippsburg VR


Nathália Pimentel
Manager - Communication

Load more
t: +49 30 2332 11035

Matilde Doni
Manager - Offshore Energy and Nature

Load more
t: +49 30 2332 11000

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the EU or LIFE Programme. Neither the EU nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

EU LIFE funding support Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.