Connecting Renewables

The first session of the 'Connecting Energies: Training Series for European Civil Society' on understanding necessity of a renewables grid to achieve our climate goals.

This webinar explored the unique role electricity grids play in the energy transition. We kicked off with a general overview of how energy systems are evolving while we add large amounts of renewables, in particular variable wind and solar, including the fast-growing offshore wind. We  then dived into operational requirements for a well-functioning electricity system and shared examples of related technical solutions that are already being deployed.

This event was also featured as part of Climate Week NYC under the title: “Grids for Climate: Connecting Renewables to Achieve Our Climate Goals”.

Sharing these insights with a large, engaged audience has never been more crucial, as electricity grids have become one of the main bottlenecks in further expanding renewables. This is largely due to a very limited understanding of their pivotal role that, already today, allows us to manage a system largely based on renewable energy sources. 

Nevertheless, the fear of grid instability, blackouts, and economic implications, often becomes the reason for halting and delaying renewables expansion. Similarly, the lack of electricity grid capacity can result in stranded assets and financial risks for renewable energy developers and, ultimately conservative approaches to the expansion of renewables. 

This first session of the Connecting Energies: Training Series for European Civil Society stressed the urgent need to upgrade and expand electricity grids globally in order to enable the efficient integration of renewable energy sources. At the same time, we openly discussed the impact electricity infrastructure has on wildlife and biodiversity and the measures grid operators can take to not only mitigate environmental impact but use the energy infrastructure to enhance biodiversity.


Patricia Labra, Head of Network Planning at Red Eléctrica, and Convener of the TYNDP at ENTSO-E, provided an overview of integrating renewables into the electric grid and how grid infrastructure can provide flexibility and stability for the decarbonised energy system.

Liam Innis, Manager - Energy Ecosystems at RGI, presented the relationship between electricity infrastructure and nature conservation, outlining how the grid can be used to enhance and protect biodiversity.

This session was moderated by Stephanie Bätjer, Programme Manager - Communication at RGI.


Patricia Labra, Red Eléctrica

Liam Innis, RGI


Connecting Energies

The Renewables Grid Initiative invited members of European civil society organisations to an enlightening three-part training series, 'Connecting Energies', where we explored the intricate relationship between electricity grids, the energy transition, and biodiversity. 

In the first two online sessions, we delved into the role of electricity grids in the energy transition, the role of interconnectors between Member States in delivering the EU’s climate and energy targets, and how policy frameworks can be used to reach climate neutrality. 

The final session, held in Berlin, will uncover the critical connection between electricity infrastructure and bird conservation. Participants are invited to apply insights from the previous sessions to the challenge of protecting biodiversity along grid infrastructure and provide input to a shared outcome document to be disseminated publicly. 


Eston McKeague
Manager - Communication

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t: +49 157 3461 9264

Stephanie Bätjer
Director - Communication

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RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.