The current energy system is going through a substantive change. Renewables are playing an ever bigger role throughout Europe, which also comes with a different ownership structure: big companies meet unexpected competition by citizen cooperatives, and private individuals and small companies increasingly develop from mere consumers into prosumers – producers and consumers of electricity at a time. This “decentralisation” of generation has many implications, be it on grid planning and operation, power structures, or ownership.
There are many myths and uncertainties about these implications and the mutual dependencies. During our one-day workshop, we shed some light on current discussion topics, including
- the status quo of decentralisation in Europe
- implications of a more decentralised generation for the transmission and distribution grids
- opportunities for citizen cooperatives to shape the future energy system
- the influence of the legal framework and investment decisions
10:00 Welcome
Antonella Battaglini | Renewables Grid Initiative
Molly Walsh | Friends of the Earth Europe | Community Power
10:15 A decentralised electricity system: definition and current trends in Europe
Thomas Ackermann | energynautics | Presentation
10:45 Case study A from Scotland | Community Power Project
Julia Gutierre | Community Energy Scotland | Presentation
11:45 Community experience with distribution networks: challenges regarding the legal framework
Setting the scene: Presentation of model legal frameworks for citizen-owned renewable energy and recommendations for grids and community energy
Robert Rybski | ClientEarth
Legal framework for grid connection and use in Germany
Dr. Dörthe Fouquet | Becker Büttner Held | Presentation
Legal framework for grid connection and use in the UK
Rebecca Lawson | Forum for the Future | Presentation
14:00 Distributed generation: trends and opportunities for consumers
Alexandre Roesch | EPIA | Presentation
14:30 A decentralised electricity system: implications for highest voltage electricity grids
Jean-Baptiste Paquel | ENTSO-E | Presentation
15:00 Case study B from Austria
Roland Sperr | LINZ STROM Netz | Presentation
16:00 Panel discussion: integrating community projects into the grid
Florian Chapalain | EDSO for Smart Grids
Thomas Ackermann | energynautics
Jean-Baptiste Paquel | ENTSO-E
Robert Rybski | ClientEarth