Innovative Grid Technologies for sustainable energy security in Ukraine and beyond

This webinar, organised with CurrENT Europe and Green Deal Ukraїna, looked at that the role that Innovative Grid Technologies (IGTs) can play in...

Wingspan 2024: Partnerships for a bird-friendly energy transition

From 15 – 17 October 2024 in Brussels the inaugural edition of Wingspan, a new biennial conference for a nature-positive energy transition was...

Modellers’ Exchange Workshop: Turning the tide – Optimising Europe’s Offshore Energy Future with Holistic Planning and Engagement

Keeping the momentum after publishing the first Offshore Network Development Plan (ONDP) in January 2024, this workshop brought together more than 20...

Conference: Energy & Solidarity – Putting the Plan for Grids into Action

At RGI’s 15th Anniversary Conference on 16 April 2024 in Brussels, we discussed how Europe’s grid can be built timely, following nature-positive...

Modellers’ Exchange Workshop: Charting Our Course to 2040 – Decarbonisation Scenarios for Delivering Climate Targets

Organised within the framework of the PAC project, the workshop brought together more than 20 experts to discuss decarbonisation pathways and related...

Webinar: Subsea Grids Supporting Marine Biodiversity - Improving Undersea Resiliency with Nature Materials

Biorock, sea-concrete, sustainable concrete – a fascinating concept with many different names and applications. For the third edition of RGI and the...

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.