Conference: Gemeinsamer Luftraum - Auf dem Weg zu einem vogelfreundlichen Stromnetz

Am 28. September 2022 luden RGI und NABU gemeinsam mit sieben deutschen Stromnetzbetreibern zur Veranstaltung „Gemeinsamer Luftraum: Auf dem Weg zu...

Modellers' Exchange Workshop - ‘‘Climate change impacts on electric system infrastructure: towards adaptation and resilience planning’’

On 21 September, RGI in collaboration with Hitachi Energy, organised a Modellers’ Exchange Workshop dedicated to the inclusion of climate change...

'Good Practice of the Year' Award Ceremony

The Award Ceremony for the 2022 edition of our 'Good Practice of the Year' Award were held at the Third PCI Energy Days in Brussels, on the 19th of...

Webinar: Shared Airspace - Innovative approaches for a bird-friendly electricity grid

Our second Energy & Nature webinar dives into three innovative practices which all aim to tackle risk of bird mortality around electricity...

Best Practice Webinar: Building a shared understanding of the energy transition between industry and civil society

This webinar intends to showcase successful consultation processes between the TSO RTE and the NGO France Nature Environment (FNE) in France –...

Webinar: Clarifying key environmental concepts for an ecologically-sound deployment of offshore wind in Europe

This webinar is based on the conclusions of the discussion paper on 'Essential Environmental Concepts for the Offshore Wind Energy Sector in Europe'...

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.