Webinar: Shared Airspace - Innovative approaches for a bird-friendly electricity grid
Our second Energy & Nature webinar dives into three innovative practices which all aim to tackle risk of bird mortality around electricity...
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Our second Energy & Nature webinar dives into three innovative practices which all aim to tackle risk of bird mortality around electricity...
This webinar intends to showcase successful consultation processes between the TSO RTE and the NGO France Nature Environment (FNE) in France –...
This webinar is based on the conclusions of the discussion paper on 'Essential Environmental Concepts for the Offshore Wind Energy Sector in Europe'...
Our first Energy & Nature webinar took a deep-dive into the intersection of energy infrastructure and biodiversity with a focus on how the grid can...
A legal perspective on the application of ‘Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest’ (IROPI) – and related risks
In our interactive webinar on the 24th of March entitled "Matching generation and consumption in a smart renewables-based system", we presented the...