Example | Organizations | Countries |
Early involvement of landowners | Energinet.dk, Energienet | Denmark |
Birds and electricity transmission lines: mapping of flight paths | Red Eléctrica de España | Spain |
HCCP Interactive Consultation | National Grid | UK |
Public consultation second round for Hinkley Point C | National Grid | UK |
Hinkley Point C - Follow-up on public consultation | National Grid | UK |
Transparency officer | 50Hertz | Germany |
An environmental NGO as moderator: the role of the German Environmental Aid (DUH) | Deutsche Umwelthilfe | Germany |
Early stakeholder involvement for regional peculiarities | 50Hertz | Germany |
Early and general grid information by 50Hertz | 50Hertz | Germany |
Dedication of resources for grid issues from NGOs | Germanwatch, RSPB | Germany, UK |