Example Organizations Countries
Natural High-Tech: The Great Scallop as an Environmental Sensor RTE & TBM Environment France
Radar monitoring on the Strait of Messina Terna Italy
rePLANT - Management of Forest Fires Rede Electrica Nacional (REN), University of Coimbra, whereness Portugal
Integrated Vegetation Management with a team of Biologists VSD Slovakia
Wild Bees Under Tension Swissgrid Switzerland
Tennet's Inspiration Guide TenneT The Netherlands, Germany
Schafe Unter Strom 50Hertz, Technische Universität Dresden, Mitnetz Strom, Landschaftspflegeverband Westsachsen e.V. Germany
Birds and electricity transmission lines: mapping of flight paths Red Eléctrica de España Spain
Man-made nest programme Mavir Hungary
New power grids and nature conservation NABU Germany

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