Example Organizations Countries
Protection of the marine environment thanks to the future offshore substations RTE France
Bird-safe energy infrastructure promoted internationally through the Great Ethiopian Run Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS), BirdLife Africa, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) Ethiopia
Fish hotels TenneT, Ecocean The Netherlands, North Sea
Site Wind Right tool The Nature Conservancy USA
Pastoreo en red – Grazing under high voltage lines Red Eléctrica de España, Agrovidar Spain
Carbon calculator to estimate CO₂ emissions from excavation and degradation of peatlands Statnett Norway
Incremental Ecological Index (IEI) Terna Italy
Near-infrared study of agricultural yields above a 380 kV underground cable Amprion Germany
Nature+Energy Nature+, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Maynooth University (MU) Ireland
50Hertz Maintenance Plan for Mahlpfuhler Fenn 50Hertz Germany

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